We escape Auschwitz

We walk away......
In the car
Along the road I see a few woman sittikng with someth ing....
After about the 4th one...theres enough room to pull over....shes selli ng chantrelle mushrooms and huckleberry type berries
Of course I buy 1 of each about 30 zloty.

The drive to krakow, takes a little over an hour
Traffic, city.  Not interesting, maybe my mood
Wit h that ole GPS we roll into the city campground.
This place is nice, trees and an outdoor community pool right aside. Stupid music coming from the pool....
We check the place out.
Put a load in the free wash
Liam takes a shower, and investigates the polish restaurant down the block.
And then it rains,  and pours
Looks like we're prisoners
And the music stops
The few people at the pool leave
We see the tent near us with the ground cloth outside the outer edge collecting vast amounts of water and bringing it right on top of the tarp and under the tent....dampness awaits...
The rain backs off and we walk thru a nice park to an e excellent outdoor restaurant,  that has a symphony playing outside. The symphony is visiting from Canada.
We order weiner snitzel and beef and veggies.
When they served Liam beef, they served it in a  pan...he said " dad style" I don't know why???
Food was great.
It begins to pour, we eat really slow....
It stops we finish eating and go, on the road strategy number #217


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