To buda w the pest

Out of the mountains, not too big we descend
Slovakia is not a rich coun try.
We ride on towards Hungary, hungry.
Sunflowers seem to be a big crop in this region
Like usual as we begin to enter the outskirts of a city the industrial wasteland evolves
But we're in Buda of budapest
And begin our blindfolded following of the GPS
And it's not looking good
This city campground next to the Danube has us on pot holed roads, trash, abandoned buildings..
I'm not feeling it.
As we get closer it's not getting better, shady characters,  that look like Frank are walkin  about.
We stop at the gate, confer
Nope plan B
Next campground 20 kilometers away
GPS take us there
Across town and we ascend up into the hills
Green, and houses
We finally get there
2 old railway trams adorn the entrance
It's an old railway terminus building
Now this is cool
The staff person greets us and asks us if we'd like a cold drink!
We pick a spot , grab another drink and have dinner., this place is nice, shady, benches and tables built out of logs.
We sleep
Up breakfast is included!
Thick coffee, warm milk, meats, cheese, thick bread,rolls. And what's This!
The cook is bringing out piping hot fried dough!!
I stuff myself
Now hot crepes!
No more room
We head out, down the drive, a short walk and on the bus.
Heading to the natural healing waters of budapest.
There's a large number of commercial hot spring spas and pools here in the city.
We go to gellert,  which is a massive granite, marble stone hotel spa that is absolutely stunning and huge, right downtown on the Danube
We soak and swim and take a sauna, and lounge, all for about $10.
We're chilled out now
So we ride the old trolley, get off and decide to be tourists and ride the hop on/ off bus and see some of these amazing buildings.
We ride and Gauk
We get off at the market, and road. The veggie, fruit, meat and paprika stalls....
Budapest has some amazingly huge buildings old and very ornate.
We ride the bus some more, statues, castles, oh yeah expensive stores...
Hmmm the building of terrors
Liam says let's go back, it's all about the secret persecution of the Hungarians by the Russians in the 20 th century.... :(
Cross the Danube on a city bus and back up the hills to camp, what's this building at the camp entrance...
A chairlift!
Right next door is a chairlift for skiers ( hikers in summer) now that's cool.
Hungarian goulash, spatzle , stew,  and hot picante
dinner is good the camp restaurant is limited but good...


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