St. Moritz wasn't worth itz

 coffee and muselli, & porridge from the Dutch army surplus food we bought for campsite prices continue to rise into the $ 40+ Swiss Franks range and we're anticipating upwards of $70 Frank's as we get closer to the glitz...our oops my wallet is begin ing to look worn and tattered...
Yum I love army surplus b fast
We drive off thru st moritz gauking at the ski areas.. out of town heading west then north.
We cross over juliapass
Down the other side
Winding winding down of course the views are incredible, waterfalls, cows, high jagged peaks u know the usual....
We finally find a tourist info
We find out about a 3 alpine lake hike 5 kilometers away, down the hill still
Turn right thru a tiny village with tiny roads we jbump off houses, now up and windingfor a couple of kilometers. We park and hike along a gravel road thru farmer Joes field's.
Now here in Switzerland, it's steep. And what the farmers do is walk along behind a self propelled 3' weed walker, after cutting a huge field this way they then flip it , and row it sometimes if possible w machines, sometimes by hand. We've seen 6 people out taking fields into rows then loading it on wagons, now that's the exception. But it's still done this way up in the steeps.
We walk and the panorama is fantastic.
We hike around the 3 ponds, a number of people are picnicking, and back along the road.
We stop at one of thhe farmhouses, it's a restaurant. We buy a drink and they have about 100 sausages hanhingin the back cold cellar we can see through a window. We buy one.
Also there are free, chamois, and ibex antlers on the wall. They call the ibex "capricorn"...
Down the hillwe go back to the van. Out the long descending winding valley.
Now we turn and head south
We hit the highway for a half hour go thru 8 different toll though.
And decide let's get off and take the old road thru the pass
Well over 100 hairpin turns later and over 2 hrs we make it down to San Bernardino. Now we hit the summit of the pass at 7,000 ft stopped and had a coffee.theres one ancient stucco house, that's now a restaurant cafe.
 The waiters were talking in italian....
First the mountain tops are amazing here in all directions..  the Swiss army is a little below is hidden in the bushes and it looks like they are having tank practice, seriously, there s targets set up in the hills and a couple tanks hidden in the underbrush.....
Yes this is the Italian speaking section of Switzerland, and everything about is italy, but it's swtzerland....we drove 40 kilometers south to Bellinzona and it's just like italy. We get infoon camping up the side valley, info on good Italian food... it wasn't that good....and expensive.
We head out towards Lucerne and find a camp spot 40 kilometers up the valley.....
It's nice, gram books us in and speaks fluent Italian, nothing else, in Switzerland yup go figure, gratsie
A cigar, a shot of Irish whiskey, a pint and I'm in bed....only in europe!


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